Making a Team#
Now that you have seen the characters for hire, it’s time to create your team! How you choose your characters – and who you choose – matters!
Team Formation#
Every team consists of three characters. No more, and no less! Teams will consist of one Leader and two Generic characters. By finding a good combination of your hired team, victory for your country is assured!
When forming a team, you do so by modifying the return statement of your team_data()
method. Recall that this
method returns a tuple containing 2 objects: a string literal and a nested tuple containing three enums in a specific
def team_data(self) -> tuple[str, tuple[SelectGeneric, SelectLeader, SelectGeneric]]:
return str, (SelectGeneric, SelectLeader, SelectGeneric)
The string literal will represent your team name. The nested tuple will contain specific enums determining which characters you’d like to choose. Refer to Enums for an expansive list of all enums.
It is important to order the enums in the order you’d like them to appear on the GameBoard. The first enum represents the first Generic that will be on the top position; the second represents the Leader which will always start in the middle; the third represents the second Generic that will be on the bottom.

A team selection of a Generic Tank, Leader Ninlil, and another Generic Tank.#
Selecting Leaders#
When selecting your Leader character, remember that you can choose between 6 options. There are 2 leaders per ClassType:
- Attacker ClassType:
- Healer ClassType:
- Tank ClassType:
The enums to select any one of these characters are the following:
Selecting Generics#
When selecting your Generic characters, you can choose between 3 options:
Generic Attacker
Generic Healer
Generic Tank
The Enums to select them are the following:
Valid Team Selections#
When selecting a team, duplicate characters are allowed, but to an extent. Every team is allowed to have a maximum of two characters with the same ClassType. The following will provide examples of valid team selections with characters of duplicate CharacterTypes:
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectGeneric.GEN_HEALER)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_ATTACKER, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_HEALER, SelectLeader.FULTRA, SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK, SelectLeader.ANAHITA, SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_HEALER, SelectLeader.FULTRA, SelectGeneric.GEN_HEALER)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_ATTACKER, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectGeneric.GEN_ATTACKER)
The first and second examples show that your Leader’s ClassType can be the same as one Generic’s ClassType.
The third example shows a team with every character having a unique ClassType (Healer, Attacker, Tank).
The fourth and fifth examples show how the two Generic characters can have the same ClassType, but the Leader must have a different ClassType.
Invalid Character Selection#
In the case you do the dishonorable thing and try to cheat (🫵🤨) or make an innocent mistake (🥺👉👈) and submit an invalid team, you will not receive all the characters you desire, so be mindful. Any character that is determined invalid will be replaced with a different character: Generic Trash! Read more about Generic Trash in Characters.
Here are examples of invalid character selections:
return (SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK, SelectLeader.ANAHITA)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_HEALER, SelectGeneric.GEN_ATTACKER, SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK)
return (SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectLeader.CALMUS)
return (SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectGeneric.GEN_ATTACKER)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_ATTACKER, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectLeader.CALMUS)
return (SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK, SelectLeader.CALMUS, SelectGeneric.GEN_TANK)
The first example is invalid since the SelectLeader
enums are where the SelectGeneric
enums should be, and
the SelectGeneric
enum is where the SelectLeader
enum should be. Every character would be replaced with Generic
The second example is invalid since it’s full of generics. The Generic Attacker would be replaced with Generic Trash.
The third example is invalid since it’s full of Leader characters. The first and third SelectLeader enums would be replaced with Generic Trash.
The fourth and fifth example are invalid since they have a single SelectLeader enum where a SelectGeneric enum should be. That enum would be replaced with Generic Trash.
The last example has three characters that have the same ClassType of Tank. The Leader would be replaced with Generic Trash in this case.
Be mindful on how you order the tuple when selecting your team (unless you want to attempt to win at a deficit).