
Moves are how characters fight and interact with each other. A good moveset can make or break a character and team composition, so pay attention to how they function!

Types of Moves#

There are four types of Moves that a character’s Moveset can contain:

Move Type



Deals damage to decrease the target(s)’s health.


Heals the target(s) a set amount to offset damage previously taken.


Increases one of the target(s)’s stats. Good for getting an edge in combat!


Decreases one of the target(s)’s stats. Good for putting the opponent at a disadvantage!


Some Moves are useful for a character because they have secondary Effects. If a Move has a secondary Effect, the character is essentially performing two Moves in one turn! Effects fall under the same four categories:

  • Attack

  • Heal

  • Buff

  • Debuff

An Effect can sometimes have a drawback for the user, so be mindful when using a Move with a secondary Effect!

Attack Moves VS Attack Effects#

When it comes to Attack Moves and Attack Effects, they are similar in that they deal damage, but how they deal damage is different.

  • Attack Moves
    • Uses the attacker’s Attack Stat, the move’s damage_points variable, and the target’s Defense Stat in the damage formula to return a final value

    • The damage_points integer is added to the character’s attack stat for extra oomph

    • Refer to Helper Methods & Debugging for the damage formula

  • Attack Effects
    • Only uses the integer damage_points to deal damage to the target(s) without any extra calculations

    • For example, if a Move has an Attack Effect that has 20 damage points, it will deal 20 damage to the target(s) regardless of the attacker’s Attack Stat or target’s Defense Stat

Special Points#


Not all Moves can be used immediately. A character needs to build up the strength to use some moves by increasing their Special Points. Special Points (abbreviated as “SP”) can be gained and lost during a match depending on the Move that’s used. A character can gain a maximum of five SP. How SP are gained and lost is explained in Movesets.


To contain a character’s Moves, they have an attribute called a Moveset. A Moveset will contain 3 Moves that are broken into three categories:

Moveset Identifier


Normal Move

A character’s default Move. By using a Normal Move, a character will gain +1 SP.

Special 1

A Move with some more “oomph” to it. This will reduce a character’s SP by the cost of the Move.

Special 2

A Move that tends to be a character’s strongest. This will also reduce a character’s SP by the cost of the Move. Special 2 is more expensive than Special 1.

Understanding how a character’s Moveset will affect not just the user but all characters on the map will help when forming a team.

Every character’s individual Moveset will be explained in depth in Characters.

Accessing a Character’s Moveset#

To access a Character’s Moveset, you can do the following:


When you have access to a Moveset object, if you desire to use it as a dictionary object, you can call the as_dict() method.

moveset_dict = active_character.moveset.as_dict()

The structure of a Moveset as a dictionary object is below. Every key is a string, and the value is a Move object.




The Character’s Normal Move object


The Character’s Special 1 object


The Character’s Special 2 object

If an entire dictionary is not necessary, you can simply access an individual Move by using a Character reference and the following methods:

normal_move = active_character.get_nm()
special1 = active_character.get_s1()
special2 = active_character.get_s2()

Target Types#

When using a Move, the TargetType Enums it contains will determine how it behaves. Here is every TargetType and the target(s) associated with it.


Associated Targets


The user of the move will be affected


Only characters adjacent to the user will be affected. This only applies to the user’s team, not the opponents


Every character on the user’s team will be affected, regardless of adjacency


The opposing character across the user on the game map will be affected


Every opposing character on the opposing team will be affected