Characters cont.#
Here are properties and methods for Character objects that will help you as you code. The code blocks provided are examples. As long as these are called on a Character object, these will work.
Return the ObjectType of the Character. The ObjectType enum is used to better identify what an object is. Refer to Enums for the full lists of enums provided.
object_type: ObjectType = active_character.object_type
Returns the name of the Character object.
character_name: str =
Returns the ClassType enum of the character. Will either be ClassType.LEADER
class_type: ClassType = active_character.class_type
Current Health#
Returns an int showing how much health the character currently has.
current_health: int = active_character.current_health
Max Health#
Returns an int showing the max health a character can have.
max_health: int = active_character.max_health
The following will return a Character’s Attack, Defense, and Speed Stat object respectively.
attack_stat: AttackStat = active_character.attack
defense_stat: DefenseStat = active_character.defense
speed_stat: SpeedStat = active_character.speed
Refer to Stats for more info.
Special Points#
Returns an int representing the amount of Special Points a Character has. Remember that this amount cannot exceed 5.
sp: int = active_character.special_points
Returns a Moveset object that contains all a Character’s Moves (i.e., Normal Move, Special 1, and Special 2).
moveset: Moveset = active_character.moveset
Returns a Vector object that represent a Character’s coordinates. Every Vector object is stored in the (x, y)
format. Refer to The Gameboard for the methods the Vector class has.
position: Vector = active_character.position
Return a CountryType enum representing which country the Character is affiliated with.
country: CountryType = active_character.country_type
Is Dead#
Returns a boolean value. The value will be True if the Character’s current_health is 0.
is_dead: bool = active_character.is_dead
Get NM#
A method that will return a Character’s Normal Move from their Moveset.
nm: Move = active_character.get_nm()
Get S1#
A method that will return a Character’s Special 1 from their Moveset.
s1: Move = active_character.get_s1()
Get S2#
A method that will return a Character’s Special 2 from their Moveset.
s2: Move = active_character.get_s2()