The Gameboard#
The map is a 3x2 grid. On the map, Uroda will always be on the left, and Turpis will always be on the right. Characters will be displayed on their country’s respective side.
NOTE: Two characters cannot be on the same spot (i.e., overlap). They will either swap spaces or not be present at all on the board.

Six characters displayed on a 3x2 grid.#
The game map is structured as a dictionary object, not a 2D array. This simplifies accessing coordinates and objects on the map!
Every key-value pair in the dictionary will be a Vector object and a GameObjectContainer.
To access the game map from the given GameBoard object in your base_client
file, do the following:
game_map = world.game_map
Vector Class#
Vector objects are what represent coordinates. They also come with different methods to simplify common functions.
Add To Vector Method#
Adds a given Vector object’s coordinates to the Vector object being used and returns a new Vector object.
def add_to_vector(self, other_vector) -> Vector:
return Vector(self.x + other_vector.x, self.y + other_vector.y)
: A different Vector to be added with to create a new VectorReturns a new Vector object with the summed coordinates
Add X Y Method#
Similar to the add_to_vector()
method, this will take two ints (x, y)
as parameters,
add them to the Vector object being used, and return a new Vector with the summed coordinates.
def add_x_y(self, x, y) -> Vector:
return self.add_to_vector(Vector(x, y))
: An int representing the x coordinatey
: An int representing the y coordinateReturns a new Vector object with the summed coordinates
Add X Method#
Takes an int representing the x coordinate, adds it to the Vector object being used, and returns a new Vector with the summed coordinates.
def add_x(self, x: int) -> Vector:
return self.add_to_vector(Vector(x))
: An int representing the x coordinateReturns a new Vector object with the summed coordinates
Add Y Method#
Takes an int representing the x coordinate, adds it to the Vector object being used, and returns a new Vector with the summed coordinates.
def add_y(self, y) -> Vector:
return self.add_to_vector(Vector(y=y))
: An int representing the y coordinate - In the code example you can useVector(y=y)
to only specify they
and let thex
value be the defaultReturns a new Vector object with the summed coordinates
As Tuple Method#
Returns the Vector object’s coordinates as a tuple object.
def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
return self.x, self.y
GameObjectContainer Class#
This wrapper class allows for objects to be stored and managed more easily. You will not need to worry about any methods in this class as they’ve been implemented in the GameBoard class to make life easier for you. These methods will be listed in the next section.
The Gameboard stores the information for all the characters and their locations. Here are methods that will help access the characters to analyze their states. Since the logic for these methods are heavier, they will not be displayed.
Get Top Method#
Returns the object at the top of the given coordinate’s GameObjectContainer
def get_top(self, coords) -> GameObject | None
: A Vector object representing the coordinate to accessReturns a GameObject (superclass of a Character object) or None if the coordinate was not in the game map dictionary.
Is Valid Coords Method#
Takes a Vector object and evaluates if the coordinates are within the bounds of the game map.
def is_valid_coords(self, coords: Vector) -> bool
: A Vector object representing the coordinate to access- Returns True if the given coordinates are within the bounds of the game map’s size.
- Examples for a 3x2 map:
world.is_valid_coords(Vector(0, 0) -> True
world.is_valid_coords(Vector(3, 0)) -> False
world.is_valid_coords(Vector(0, 4)) -> False
Get Characters Method#
Uses a CountryType enum as a parameter and returns a dictionary object with {Vector: Character} key-value pairings. All characters returned would be from the given country’s team. If None is given instead of an enum, all characters from both teams will be returned.
def get_characters(self, country: CountryType | None = None) -> dict[Vector, Character]
: A CountryType enum representing the country’s team to accessReturns a dictionary of Vector objects and the character found at that coordinate. If None is given as a parameter, all characters on the game map will be returned instead.
Get Character From Method#
Using the given Vector object, the character at that coordinate will be returned. None is returned if the coordinate can’t be found or if no character is at the coordinate.
def get_character_from(self, coords: Vector) -> Character | None:
: A Vector object representing the coordinate to accessReturns a character or None if the given coordinate wasn’t found or if no character was at the coordinate.
Get In Bound Coords Method#
Returns a list of Vector objects representing all valid coordinates possible for the game map’s size.
def get_in_bound_coords(self) -> list[Vector]
Returns a list of Vector objects