In order to improve efficiency of mining and optimize the amount of ores your MOB-BOT can mine, there are different objects that can be placed on the map. These include Dynamite, Landmines, and EMPs.

After unlocking this in your Tech Tree, you will be able to place sticks of dynamite on different Tiles. This is a very valuable upgrade to have in every MOB-BOT!
Mining one ore at a time is cumbersome, so dynamite solves this issue. Place dynamite on a Tile and wait 2 turns. It will explode the four adjacent Tiles and the Tile it’s on top of. Any ores on those Tiles will be added to your inventory. That’s a max of 5 ores you can collect in one turn on top of the ores MOB-BOT mines after placing the dynamite!

Landmines are DANGEROUS! If this is unlocked from the Tech Tree, that MOB-BOT becomes a thieving threat in The Quarry!
Whenever a landmine is placed by the opposing team, if your MOB-BOT steps on it, every item in your inventory has a 50% chance of being stolen! Be mindful, and watch your step! (Any damage done to MOB-BOT will be paid for in full by the employee(s) responsible, as stated in the Quarry Rush Employee Contract).
If your own MOB-BOT placed a landmine and steps on it, it won’t activate, so don’t worry. Isn’t technology amazing?

EMPs act just like landmines. The only difference is that every item has a 100% chance of being stolen from your inventory. Yikes!
NOTE: EMPs are the upgraded versions of Landmines. So once a MOB-BOT has EMPs unlocked, they can no longer place Landmines.