We will be using Zelle for the digital payment option account for the ACM
QR codes will be printed out soon for the account
Chose Zelle since it can be connected directly to the ACM bank account and allows ease of transfer for accounts through the board
SIG-Workshop Logistics
Discussed on times for the SIG-Workshop, whether for it to be flexable or strict time
With a flexable time, can be helpful for people to find a time to work for them
For a strict time, people in the room will be able to know what times the room will be reserved for a meeting
Board decided unanimously that the SIG-Workshop will be at variable times within the ACM room. This topic may be discussed further in the future if needed
Forms for this SIG are completed and ready for the Kickoff Meeting
Company Contact
Planning on finding a time for FBS to hold a corp-talk
Rules Channel for the Discord
Will be written up very soon
New members of the ACM should register through MyNDSU as well
New QR codes will be provided to follow the ACM through MyNDSU, as well as more announcements
SIG-Compete, a previous SIG, will be returning this semester
This SIG will focus on preparing members for programming competitions
Held, in the University of Northern Iowa, this programming competition and conference is held in the spring semester and must be attended in-person
ACM Room Hygiene
Discussion on informing new and current members on keeping the room clean (throwing food away, placing away chairs, etc.)
Kickoff Meeting
Friday, September 1st at 5:30pm at QBB104
Slides are ready for the meeting, as well as prep for food, drinks, and topics
Board TO DO:
Print QR Code for Zelle account (Carson)
Update Constitution for not allowing buying votes during elections (Ian, Brandon)
ACM Shirts and Stickers and etc. (Carson)
Contact MSUM for Byte-le and continue to talk with UND
Github Workshop
Topics to look into:
terminal and desktop
branches and pull requests
feature based branches
common problems (merge conflicts, stash changes)
git ignore
Outreach Committee (Carson)
Companies to talk to:
Pedigree Technologies
John Deere
look at list of companies that attend Career Fair
SIG-Collab Projects (current ideas)
ACM Branding Style Page
Database for Library
Bison Robotics Website
Look into special game nights (Ceasar, Gunnar)
Advertise MechaMania
Announcement for FAST corp talk and Digikey Info Session (Gunnar)
Plan September Game Night with member meeting prior
Upcoming Events
Fall Semester Kickoff Meeting: September 1st @5:30pm at QBB 104
FAST Corp-talk: September 21st @5:30pm (Room TBD)
September Game Night: September 29th at the ACM Room
Digikey Competition Info Session: October 2nd, 5:30pm (Room TBD)