13 Feb 2018
What We’re Going Over:
Byte-le Royale Reflection
What We Went Over:
Come in or out cleared?
Plates put on it
Computers lined up in specs, order them recently
Byte-le Royale
36 people
Communication during event was good
Planning went well
When needed, they rolled out well
Art style
People liked Smoking Stone and Business Minotaur
Visualizer well liked (built from scratch)
Design Elements
Pikeman did what we wanted to it
Updates were necessary for the game, and helped it
Variety of traps to go against and monsters to fight
If you noticed all the small things, it added up
Forced to reference documentation versus forming algorithms
Issues and bringing up Qs and As
Bugs fixed when needed
Documentation went well and laid out good
went swimmingly
Spreading out for EC members
Kept in a spot for people to see and talk
Many questions were answered from all
PyCharm session was helpful
Python choice
new language for people to use
easy to config or teach
good installer
2/3 of people purchased
near perfect spending
great distribution when it happened
Goodie bags supplied for as long as people kept them (good value out of them too!)
Room Usage by Outsiders
One room was inhabited by someone, so food had to be separate room
Python installations
few outliers that postponed others from updates
MAC users may require additional support earlier
Where people would be
Try to get more centralized at 116, 114, and 132
Otherwise, let people know where the EC members would regularly be for most of the time
Could be better:
Meta adjustments
Updates came late and errors or other weird bits coming in after a few hours
Team setup
Know who is on what team
Ease of adding future clients
Usage of ACM and assets
Meant to be staging area but potential non-event organizers in area caused lack for discussion
Don’t do something for a single person unless EVERYONE can utilize the space and assets equally
TA Office usage
Try to keep it for a designated nap room or other public area (door MUST be open, keep quiet around the area)
max people on at once was about 1/4 of total competitors
Try and push people to check all communication channels
Find a potential better use than PHPBB
People knowing about updates
Try as we would, people wouldn’t know about the updates
Have people pull regularly in the future?
For a first event, went well, BUT ensure any gray questions are asked
Answering Questions:
Make sure people write documentation to know what goes on in-game
Clarify what is meant to be and what could happen
Let others know the answers beforehand
Go over (with a potential other non-competitor) the documentation and see what they see is wrong
Some traps:
Puzzle Box (Murder box) and the Sphinx (slooowdown)
Intent wasn’t what was shown
Early enough to cause lasting effect
Make sure each update has 2 people verifying the effect and that it works as intended
New Ideas:
Stream visualizers so people can view without going into separate room?
needs of more computers to do it
more complexity
Staging server for testing
Test updates before pushing to everyone
Ensure variation from
More fundraising options for Byte-le Royale
from corporate sponsorships?
from other people or outsiders?
Transfer the lesson from this year to next year
Those who come after will have their ideas of what went well vs what could improve
Keep the ideas of old and
Bank Account - $264.28
Budget Meeting:
How much
Next Meeting:
Start election chunk [mark board for it]
Determine election date