1/30/2013 EC Meeting
Budget: due by Sunday
In the Budget:
MechMania, Digi-key, Mics
Office Supplies (start using it)
determine what in allocated and have Davin write up
Bowling - Zech will set up for February (Date to be determined)
Middle School - Josh will handle the talk in February
Myriad Talk - Cesar will work with Jake Jornstaad to set up for the end of Febraury
determine what will be provided, if we are charging?
if they provide pizza/beverages, waive meeting fee
CS Breakfast - ACM invited..to be determined when it occurs
Game making competition- when should we have it (GDev oriented?)
After spring break? Maybe?
Will be discussed later, work with Davin to organize
Secretary: invest in fixing our printer/ getting a new printer. Have it tied to the benefits of paying ACM fee (account info to use the computers)
Vote to get a printer held, unanimous vote in favor of purchasing a new printer (maybe fixing the current printer)
By next meeting, find printers
VC/Cesar: why haven’t we remodelled our office with Microsoft money?
Interest lost possibly
Look into getting some quotes for designing the office