8/28/12: EC Meeting
Zech - The website is done (thanks to Justin), aside from the gallery
Org-Fair: what should we have for our table?
- Pamphlets, ACM Logo (biggest hurdle)
- Have a disassembled laptop?
- Use motherboards displayed on table?
- Cesar: Have a game about acronyms, offer free membership if you get them all correct
- Mechmania AI thing?
- Skeleton tracking application?
- Ice-cream in lounge
- Leave Arcade in the lounge
- Possibly finish some stuff tonight (Zech might be in at 8am Wed)
Ice-cream social
- Same time as fair
- We need root beer for floats
- Alicia will bring spoons home to wash
- Have X-box 360 playing near the couch (game to be determined)
o Cesar will be extra controllers
Kick-Off Meeting – 6pm Wednesday
- Order Pizza for 6:30pm (Zech Spicy Pie?)
- Agenda: small power-point/presentation
- Sig-groups: know what you’re going to talk about, have a few slides
- Competitions coming up need to be addressed
Sig- Groups: kick off time needs to be determined
- Up to 15 minutes allotted for each group
- 6pm Thursday
Game and Movie night: 6pm -? Friday
- TF2, MVM game (Zech will try to set up server)
o Put game on flashdrive so there is an easier time with adding to computer
- Watch movie in the lounge (possible issue with space, Rm102 is a possible backup)
- Pizza for the event