We’re going to try to have a member meeting next Friday at 5 or 6, followed by a game and movie night. We’ll vote on raising the membership dues and other constitutional changes. BTW, we need to get our constitution to student government by next week to keep our status.
We’re going to push the Laptop LAN party back to March 6 to give us additional time to prepare and find equipment. It will be in the Union so we can apply for a Dining Services grant.
There is a corporate event listed on the website for Feb. 27; we’re checking to see who is willing to come around that time.
We voted to pursue holding an Arcade Tournament - I’m looking into whether we can hold it in the IACC lobby.
Finally, we will be attending MICS (Midwest Information and Computing Symposium) this year, April 16th and 17th. There is a programming competition in which we’ll compete and also invite IEEE for the robotics competition.